Comedy Night - Superhero
Comedy Night - Superhero
Laugh your leash off at a special comedy night featuring local and Denver-based talents. The show is 6:30 - 8. Arrive at 5:30 so you can enjoy complimentary yummy appetizers and signature cocktails which will earn Safe Place $1 for each sold! Plus we will have a silent auction that is sure to excite! Get your tickets now!
Cost: General admission $35, Superheroes $ 50.
Time: Complimentary pre-show appetizers 5:30-6:30, Showtime 6:30 -8
Location: Mining Exchange Hotel, 8 S. Nevada, Colorado Springs CO, Frontier Room
What's a Superhero? A friend who just wants to do more for the charity through their donation. As a thank you for your generosity, you will have a reserved seat and a drink ticket!
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